Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How To Approach A Hot Chick And Sweep Her Off Her Feet Instantly

Hi, am Ayo Duke and you are
welcome to my blog. Please feel
free and enjoy my tips and tactics
of pulling hot, Smokey and sweet
chicks into my life.

How To Know If She Will Give You Audience.

Nobody wants to be rejected.Its a bad feeling.

So am about to show you how to tell whether she will listen
to you or not. Everything actually start will the eye contact.

This what I do when I see a Hot chick I really like.

I try to make eye contact with her.I hold my contact firmly. This
is very important....During this eyes contact , don't be the first to
remove your eyes.During this eye contact please don't squeeze
instead, make your face look like you are going to smile but you

are not actually letting the smile out.

Then Observe the following

* If she looks away as if she is shy....dude that's a clue that she is
open to chat with you.

* If she smile at you then she is yours for the taking.

This technique might seem very simple but I challenge you to try it
and you will be shocked what you will find. But before you go out
and start practicing, I think you should try this in the front of your

mirror first. Practice makes perfect.

How To Chat With Very Hot Ladies And Send The Right Signals

Here is what I do when I meet a Diva for the first time. This tactics
has worked wonders for me and it will do same for you if you
start practicing it.

Dude, when you see a Hottie for the first time....Act as if you have
known her for ages. Approach her with so much warmth and openness

so that she start seeing you as someone she might have actually
met some where in the past.

I know she might be very very hot but Bro please don't mess things up.

Don't act as if you are seeking anything from her, at such moment,
its best not to care whether she will like you or not.

This is how you should talk: Let your words be filled with lots of fun but

mixed with some amount of arrogance. See an example of what
I mean below.

For example 2yrs ago I was at a cybercafe chatting with a friend,
when this Drop Dead Gorgeous dark beauty queen walks in.
She is so hot, even the sun will be jealous. It appeared she
was looking for something and for some reasons best
known to God, She came to me for direction but before she
could say a word, I fired at her.

With a wicked smile on my face I said "hey!

I don't need a body guard.....I need some air".

Those words caught her off balance....poor chick

To cut a long story short, by the time I was leaving the cafe,

she gave me her name and phone numbers...dude the rest is now history.

I later discovered she was one of the biggest models around.

Its a good feeling to know that you can sweep a women of her
feet any time you want.

This article was coined from my new e-book " Don't Chase women, Attract Them"

If you have any question please feel free and send them to my emal at ayo_duke@yahoo.com.

I would personally advice you to dowload your copy of Don't Chase Women, Attract them, It contains materials and secrets women dead or alive won't want you to ever see.
Send an email titled " E book to ayo_duke@yahoo.com to get details on how you
can get a copy.

I am very greatful for taking your time to read my post to the very last words, you have made my Day

I would love to hear from you.

Ayo Duke


  1. What i'd like to know is how to attract guys.... Do you have any pointers on that one?

  2. Incurable Romantic,Yeah I will start a blog
    on this soon cos I have loads of info on that
    too. tnx for post and If I may ask, what do
    you think about my tips and advice? as a lady
    do you think these thing I wrote really works
    and lastly, how did you manage to find my blog?

    Ayo Duke

  3. Ayo, the tips you shared will work real good, 'cos I have a similar experience I may not want to share here.

    Good work.


  4. Hi Sly,

    tnx for your comments. Please feel free
    the share your experience.

